Summary of Payment Assistance Policy

This is a summary of our Payment Assistance Policy. For further details, see the full policy here. You have a right to apply for financial hardship assistance both in the:

Financial hardship assistance is free of charge.

List of Contents:

What is financial hardship?

Financial hardship means a situation where:

Options for assistance

Options for assistance that we offer may include:


You can apply for financial hardship assistance from us by:


To make a complaint to us about a decision in relation to your application, please contact us by email, post or telephone at the contact details above.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman at or by calling 1800 062 058.

Support Services

You can contact free and independent financial advice, counselling and support services, including the:

Need more support? You can access: